Tuesday, October 30, 2012



Even though the semester is nearing the end, I am glad that the yoga poses are just as fresh and challenging as they were in the beginning weeks of class. Having the class day on Thursday to learn new poses was fun. But its so crazy how hard some things are! When we were doing to pose that was basically a side plank with an outstretched leg held by our "sloth fingers", my sides were and abs were totally feeling the burn lol. And by the end of those poses, I was pretty out of breath--guess that means i need to start working out more =/


While I was reading chapters 9-12, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. It was actually really humbling to read how much devotion to God is really stressed. You really become aware of the deep love and devotion is present between the humble servant and God. It kind of makes me feel like a bad Christian lol. There is DEF not that much commitment between me and my God, but reading these examples of how to love and worship God gives me a renewed take on spirituality. For some reason, I really did get the urge to start being more humble and pure. Its cool to see how the readings affect me emotionally/psychologically--very intriguing. :)


  1. The gita is really inspiring about getting more attuned to the presence of God in our lives.

  2. I completely agree, it was really interesting to read how much devotion is emphasized in the Gita. And yes, I still feel the burn during a lot of poses too, especially any pose that requires me to grab my foot.

  3. Some of the great things about reading the Gita are the basic fundamentals that can be found and related to just about any religion and philosophy and in this way it makes the text eternal and timeless.

  4. Haha I totally agree with your practice assessment. It's my goal over Christmas break to work out every day, and more importantly eat better.
